screenshotThis teaching resource for your interactive whiteboard is useful for starters or plenaries in maths lessons where you would like to practise basic money addition with your students.  A list of items appears on a receipt.  When you feel ready the students are asked to total the prices.  It is useful for the students to use mini whiteboards with this teaching resource.

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Depending on the size of your room the values may be a little small to see from a distance so it is useful to read them out as they appear.  It works well using mini-whiteboards with a competitive element added to it.  Students hold their answer up as soon as they have calculated it.  The winner is the one who gets it correct first.

4 thoughts on “Flash Shop Addition

  1. Noticed a slight problem with the shop addition, if the pence is a multiple of 10, it displays the total as £5.1 for example, rather than £5.10 as it should for money!

  2. Thanks for pointing that out. In all the tests I’ve done it never came out with the pence as a multiple of 10! But I know I didn’t address that in the code so I’ll get on to that and fix it. I’ll leave another comment when done so that people know its good to use.

    If anyone else notices bugs please point them out.


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