An interactive whiteboard resource to support any investigations using dominoes. In particular this resource was created to support classroom use of puzzles included in a book by Henry Ernest Dudeney in 1917. Books this old are in the public domain and so their contents can be distributed and built upon freely.
Rather than leaving these books overlooked for new ones it was decided to build some resources to go with them so that they can be used quickly and cheaply in the classroom. This is the first of a number in development.
The dominoes can be manipulated by dragging, dropping and rotating. Clicking on the puzzles button brings up one of two puzzles that can be demonstrated using this resource. Both of these puzzles are available in printed form below. All are worded in the original, rather fatherly tones, of the original writer. Also available is a sheet of printable dominoes to allow students to work individually on the two puzzles. The puzzle will be easier to do using printed or real dominoes than on the computer but the IWB is useful for demonstrational purposes.
The answers are not published here to prevent students getting an advantage if this is set for homework. The answers aren’t really necessary as the learning is in the trying but if teachers are desperate for the answers leave a comment.
Go to interactive whiteboard resource.
Get puzzle 1.
Get puzzle 2.
Great activities but it would be good for busy teachers to have puzzles with answers.
thanks – an excellent resources for use in int whiteboard.
good old dominos!